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Ideas and information to help you make a difference

September 2023
We are thrilled to present our latest video. It's the story of Milton, a middle school student in Tulsa. Milton hated school. But then he fell in love with gardening, and it changed his life.
Tulsa is one of six cities Wallace collaborated with in our recent Partnerships for Social and Emotional Learning Initiative, which set out to discover what happens when schools, afterschool and summer programs, community organizations, parents, and others work together to help develop children's social and emotional skills, sometimes referred to as life skills. Social and emotional learning proceeds from the premise that to succeed in school and in life, students need to cultivate skills like collaboration, independence, and the ability to regulate their emotions, among others.
But what does this look like?
To learn more about the SEL initiative, listen to our podcast series.
To read more about our work in Tulsa, see this case study.
This video was created by Freethink, a media company committed to telling stories that "inspire people to change the world."
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